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12/03/05。  cathayan.org版权所有,保留一切权利。转载请保留此说明。谢绝商业转载。




今天又看到这个系列故事的第2篇,又讲了一位Google工程师的面试经历。他在Google的数据中心干活。当初他刚毕业到墨西哥去玩,玩之前投了简历,然后在墨西哥他找到个网吧看了下信,居然有回复,后来他经历一次电话、一次现场面试,就被录用了。他总结说,满足条件的可能有不少,但他的Coverletter写得好,上面是他穿着Google T-shirt,我想是个照片吧;并且,拍了许多Google的马屁--如果真心的话似乎不应该再叫PMP,是吧?

他最后总结说:这个故事告诉我们,1- 千万不要低估你最喜欢的T-shirt的威力,2- 出去玩时也不要忽略邮件。





12/03/05 00:01:00,由cathayan发表。目录:电脑



On Wednesday, April 30th, 2003, I was swimming towards the shore as fast as I could paddle my surfboard. I was in the ocean near Todos Santos, Mexico; a storm had come up, the waves were crashing huge, the wind was blowing like crazy, and I realized I'd gotten in rather over my head.

On Wednesday, May 7th, 2003, I was standing in a room filled floor-to-ceiling with more computers than I'd ever seen in my life. My fingers were shaking as I played surgeon to a webserver, pushing tiny jumpers onto pins on the motherboard, cold blasts of air conditioning whipping my hair into my face like some tense scene from an Arctic action movie, and once again it occurred to me that I had quite possibly gotten in over my head.

How I went from being a recent college grad on a travel kick to a Google datacenter technician in one week is a whirlwind (and windblown) story. I'd seen the job posting a few days before I left for Mexico, but I figured it was a long shot; I had the skills, but didn't have much work experience.

So I sent Google a love letter. I told them that yes, I could fix computers, and yes, I'd been running Linux at home for two years. And I told them the truth: they'd get a hundred job seekers with those skills, but I had something those applicants didn't: a Google T-shirt.

I talked about how I didn't normally wear the logos of companies I had no affiliation with, but that I wore my Google shirt with pride, because I admired Google so much — they were smart, they treated people well (users and employees alike), and they made good products. But beyond that, I could tell Google was special, that all that innovation was going to lead to something extraordinary. And I wanted to be part of it. Also, I wanted another T-shirt.

I got both. After I staggered up onto the beach that first Wednesday, I went into town in search of Internet access and, in a net cafe with a thatched roof and a 56k modem connection, found waiting for me an email from a Google recruiter who had plucked my application from a pool of dozens because of my T-shirt-themed cover letter. On Thursday I flew back to the U.S. On Friday I had a phone screen. On Monday I endured three hours of onsite interviews. And on Tuesday, the recruiter called back and said, “Welcome to Google. Can you start tomorrow?”

I survived the surf at Todos Santos, and I managed to get through my first day in the Googleplex without crashing that datacenter. And the message I have for all my recent college grad peers is simple: Don't underestimate the power of your favorite T-shirt, and don't neglect your email while on vacation. Either one may hold the key to your future. 黄德峻 于 12/03/05 00:17:22 发表. 


呵,cathayan 是看的到 Blogspot 的;一个小小的 GFW 怎会封住他的视线

就是把他从了月球,他都找得到解决方法! ;-)



errorter 于 12/03/05 00:33:56 发表. 


http://anywhere anonymous 于 12/03/05 02:58:33 发表. 

via连好了 不好意思

SOLiDrAiNbOw 于 12/03/05 17:19:27 发表. 


philewar 于 12/03/05 17:34:49 发表. 


undersound 于 12/03/05 20:00:52 发表. 



“这个故事告诉我们”就是文章最后一句的意思啊。 cathayan 于 12/03/05 20:43:25 发表. 

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